Moonlit Romance

Lyrics Card from “月がロマンを照らすから / Moonlit Romance”


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A song that sings the feelings of the heroine who is approaching the turning point of life.
By using the expression of returning the surname to the maiden name in the lyrics, the embarrassed feelings of a woman are depicted as swaying between the curse from the past and the meticulousness of the future.

Crescent moon, midday moon, and full moon.
By using a phrase that fills the moon reflected in the sky that the heroine looks up at, it expresses how the heroine’s emotions are gradually and powerfully filled.
The poetic depiction of the heroine, who is determined not to go back to the past and to end the path she chose as it is.

The musical elements are composed of A melody, B melody, climax C melody, and bridge D melody.
The powerful lyrics sung in the D melody are the essence of this song, and the part where you can feel the catharsis.
Don’t miss it because it’s a lyrical phrase that brilliantly declares that “I will continue to renew my best self in my history and spend all the rest of my time doing it!




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