
【風の時代の音楽アーティスト”SpaceWind”/ Music artist of the Wind Era】Now and Forever-Music Video in 伊豆大島-裏砂漠編 on Youtube!

アメリカのワールドラジオチャートで「日本語歌唱」にも関わらずContinue reading【風の時代の音楽アーティスト”SpaceWind”/ Music artist of the Wind Era】Now and Forever-Music Video in 伊豆大島-裏砂漠編 on Youtube!

What are the “two essences of Ko-Shintō” and “expressions and meanings in Japanese” that the descendants of Onmyoji talk about?

■陰陽師の末裔が語る、「古神道のもつ2つの本質」と「日本語でContinue readingWhat are the “two essences of Ko-Shintō” and “expressions and meanings in Japanese” that the descendants of Onmyoji talk about?

The wonderfulness of Japanese vowels, sing and vocalise with vowels. / 日本語母音のすばらしさ、母音を大切に歌うこと

【7つのチャクラそれぞれに呼応した「5つの母音と2つの子音」Continue readingThe wonderfulness of Japanese vowels, sing and vocalise with vowels. / 日本語母音のすばらしさ、母音を大切に歌うこと

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