14年前にレコーディングし、撮影製作したミュージックビデオ『The Spirit of Freedom』をYoutubeに公開しました。

I released the music video “The Spirit of Freedom,” which was recorded and produced 14 years ago, on YouTube.

When you let go of the darkness in your heart, you awaken enveloped in love and light.


この曲『The Spirit of Freedom』の後半のクライマックスの歌詞の中で、私は「モナド」という言葉を歌っています。



哲学的には、 「あらゆるものを分割しまくって分割できないところまで到達したもの」 と表現されます。





「モナド」とは、創造主の個霊化した霊的閃光で、「われ臨在なり(I am Presence)の「われ」のことを指します。





●Content of the song:

Do you know the word “Monad”?

In the climax of the latter half of this song “The Spirit of Freedom”, I sing the word “Monad”.

It gets a bit difficult and niche, but it is a term used only by those who have studied “spiritual learning in theosophy”.

No one knows this “word”!

Philosophically, it is expressed as “that which has been divided to the point of being indivisible”.

It refers to a microscopic level such as “elementary particles”, “nuclei”, “atoms”, “closed strings”, and “open strings” studied in quantum mechanics.

I, “SpaceWind”, have lived my life carrying trauma emotions between parent and child, which led to a “psychogenic voice disorder”, suffering for eight years unable to sing my beloved songs as I wished.

Triggered by the “voice disorder”, or rather thanks to it, I dove into the path of “brain psychology”, and now I provide “desire realization coaching to lead life to a happy ending using brain psychology”.

Life is unpredictable; you never know when or where something will happen. Haha.

Now, back to the story of “Monad”.
“Monad” refers to the individualized spiritual spark of the Creator, indicating the “I am Presence”.

It is said that twelve “souls” are created from the Monad.

The term “soul” is said to mean the Higher Self.

And the Higher Self signifies superconsciousness or higher consciousness.

From this soul, twelve “extensions of the soul (personality)” are created.

■私「SpaceWind」がこの歌『The Spirit of Freedom』に込めた想いとは?■





楽曲『The Spirit of Freedom』の説明が長くなりましたが、要は、「親子間のトラウマ感情を根本解決」し、「お互いに責め合う言葉づかい」をやめ、「お互いに感謝しあう言葉づかい」に変わったとき、あなたの人生の流れは変わります。


■What feelings did I, “SpaceWind”, put into this song “The Spirit of Freedom”?■

What kind of “emotions” do you feel every day towards yourself, your parents, your family, and the close people around you, and what kind of words do you use in your conversations?

As someone who had a “voice disorder”, whenever something went wrong in my life, I ultimately blamed it on my “too strict father”. I felt that if I didn’t blame someone, my heart would shatter within me, and I would feel like I was breaking apart. This was precisely due to the defense instinct to protect my “safe and secure state” as mentioned in psychology, which made it impossible for me to accept it as “my responsibility”. Deep down, I was always shouting, “I don’t want a father like this!” and “I don’t want to be the daughter of such a father!” as my inner child continued to scream.

Everyone seals away their inner child’s voice and their own heart’s weakness, growing up physically and pretending to be an adult, engaging in society and living their lives.

However, with our parents, partners, family, and dear friends, we want to communicate with smiles and “words of love”. It’s important that not only the surface words but also the word “love” is filled with genuine “feelings of love”.

I apologize for the lengthy explanation of the song “The Spirit of Freedom”, but in short, when you fundamentally resolve the trauma emotions between parents and children, stop using words that blame each other, and change to words of mutual gratitude, the flow of your life will change.

The flow of my life has also changed.


Thanks for reading and See you!

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